Maintenance contracts for gas turbines have been around for a long time. They seem the perfect solution for owners of expensive gas turbine driven equipment: You pay your 'insurance premiums' six months in advance and the contract company providing the cover take all the risk.

If the turbine needs repairs, its covered. Scheduled maintenance is pre-planned, manpower and spare parts will be with you in anticipation of getting those OEM requirements for scheduled maintenance along with any unexpected snags fully repaired.
Unfortunately, the reality may be little different.
For one thing committing to handing over large chunks of cash well in advance of a service can often be a hostage to fortune since it could be money well spent or simply lost if the turbine remains working.
Also, the typical 6-year contracts can very easily turn into a 12 year commitment if there is any kind of roll over into a 7th year.
The number of spare parts kept on site and indeed spare parts generally defined as vital to the safe operation of the contract were probably deemed as the minimum safe operation of a maintenance requirement before maintenance contracts were invented and when the supplier made his service revenue profits from spare parts sales.’s artificial intelligence can tell you well in advance just what is going to happen to your gas turbine and when. So why pay somebody as much as £400,000 for a year’s maintenance just in case? It makes little financial sense when can identify fault long in advance of them becoming critical giving you time to co-ordinate your maintenance plan.
If you would like to see how can replace your maintenance contract, please contact us for a demonstration.